1/4000 of a second. That's how long it takes my camera to capture an image. In 1/4000 second I can create a lasting memory, a piece of art, or an embarrasingly funny snapshot of a friend. People always say that good things take time, but according to the great philosopher Miley Cyrus and the shutter speed of my camera, really great things happen in the blink of an eye. Miley and I are on the same page for this one.
Part of my internship year at SOS has always included me heading out on a mission trip, but the five dubs(who, what, when, where, and why) were kinda left up to me. I had a few options in mind, but then I ran into some issues that are kinda a big deal:
1. At SOS, our busiest seasons are spring break and summer...the two main time frames for organized trips
2. Planes are EXPENSIVE and I hadn't raised enough support to pay for all that
3. I had nowhere to actually go!
So...I started praying about it. As I was writing my update letter to send out to people who were already supporting me financially and as prayer partners, I just began to ask God to move because I for sure could not figure all of this out on my own. This past year I've been praying about what God will have me study in college(when I finally get there) and He has been massively growing my heart for the orphan crisis especially in Africa and China. Because of that, I really had these continents on my heart for my trip, but it just seemed so impossible. I wasn't all too confident I would actually get to go anywhere at all, and worry and discouragement were starting to set it. Little did I know, God just wanted to blow my mind! Before I even sent out my letter, Philip(the executive director of SOS) told me the month of February was up for grabs for my trip, I had a 3,000 check in hand, and my mom mentioned that one of her closest friends was open to me helping her in Zambia. Oh hey, no mo problems.
My mom's friend, Janet Brown, lived in Zambia, and recently moved back to the states for a few months to get married and settle in with her husband before trying to move back to Africa. She worked in Lusaka, Zambia and is traveling over again to help unload a container there and help set up a new missionary. I will be leaving this Thursday alone "on a jet plane" headed to Chicago, then London, then finally Lusaka!! Janet has already told me that as soon as I land she will pick me up and I'll be headed with her to the southern province to hang out with about 300 kids for a while!! I cannot begin to explain how excited I am to just see these precious lil ones! Man, I can't even think about it without wanting to just take off right now! I'm not sure what else my trip will hold, but I do know God will open my eyes up to all kinds of things. Maybe I just won't come back :)....just kidding for now Mom and Dad. My flight is scheduled to be back in the states Wednesday February 23rd. I would looove for prayers for safe travel and that my body would adjust quickly to the time change. I will keep this blog updated somewhat while I'm gone, and I'll post all kinds of pictures and stories detailing my trip when I get back to the states. Haha I love to say "back to the states!" Thursday can't come soon enough!!
I may have been able to pull off a trip that was "good" in my timing if I had spent all year putting it together, but God does great things in His timing. This incredible trip that is going to change my life just landed in my lap in about the time it takes my camera shutter to close...the blink of an eye.
Two thumbs up for Africa, London, and a GREAT BIG GOD!
Very cool news, Morgan!!! This all reminds me of a song I've heard that says God must laugh at us when we make plans. His are always soooo much better! You can count on prayers from the Gore clan while you're away. We love you!
Aunt Christy
I'm so excited for you buddy!! Take plenty of motos, and say hey to a bunch of cute Zambian kids for me. I look up to you like crazy :) be safe and have fun!
this is so exciting. I know your parents very well. My daughter who is16 is headed to Zambia for 3 weeks this summer! She has been once before and loved it. I bet the two of you would be fast friends and have much in common. I love your blog and will be following and praying!
ReplyDeleteKim Clark Dillard
Your gonna get to see a whole lot more of how God just "Drops" things in your lap! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see all the updates. We are already praying.
ReplyDeleteAdvice - When about to leave the country by self for first time don't freak your mom and dad out by saying you might not come back! (hee hee)
Dang Morgie,
ReplyDeleteYou're a pretty good writer. Way to bring it full circle there at the end. Also, This trip sounds like it's going to be great and we're excited about what God's going to show you.
Awesome post, Morgan! We are praying for you!
ReplyDeleteI'm obsessed with that picture of you. You are incredible!!
ReplyDeletemorgan-- i can't wait to follow your journey. I know God is going to do so much in your heart while you are there. praying for you...and your folks!!
ReplyDeleteI sat and Thought of all the clever wordy spiritual things I could write down. I then realized that you would probably think some else wrote it.Morgan seriously, you and your family have been such an inspiration. Amy and I love you and your family. Whether you know it or not. I look up to you for all that you do for missions and the community. I love seeing your passion for what you do, it is inspiration! Thank you for following the calling that God has given you. Please be safe and know that my family will be praying for you and your family.
When anyone asked me about missions and where they need to go. I always tell them how important you made me feel on my first trip I lead back in 2006. When I look back at the down line of people that have gone to Agua Viva and where God is sending them now it scary to thank I was part of that. Thank you for given this dreamer the ability to be a part of teams past that have gone out. Trips are taxing to say the least. Be safe hear God and tell your story.
2 Thessalonians 2: 13-14 (The Message)
13-14Meanwhile, we've got our hands full continually thanking God for you, our good friends—so loved by God! God picked you out as his from the very start. Think of it: included in God's original plan of salvation by the bond of faith in the living truth. This is the life of the Spirit he invited you to through the Message we delivered, in which you get in on the glory of our Master, Jesus Christ.
I would love to hear the stories someday soon. Go deliver the Message.
In His Grip,
Todd Andrews