Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Zecharaiah 4:6

So if you've been alive this past week you've at least heard that the Black Eyed Peas stunk up the super bowl halftime show pretty royally. I mean that carnage was close to Janet Jackson's wardrobe malfunction! Its so crazy to me that today a band can use so much technology to create a good sound, but when that's all stripped away, and they're left to perform just stinks! How in the world do they pull that magic trick off?? Apparently they can't do it on their own.

Well, I'm just like the Black Eyed Peas. I mean tomorrow I will climb on a plane and travel to a place that's so far away it will take me two days just to get there, and then I'll hit the ground running and won't breathe until I get back on a plane. I'll be stripped of all my first-world conveniences, be completely away from my family and almost all of my friends, be completely exhausted, have to lay aside my picky eater tendencies, and be in a world I've only dreamed of seeing. Starting tomorrow, I'll step out onto my super bowl stage, and if I attempt to do this on my own... oh man--it would like having Janet Jackson AND the Black Eyed Peas performing at the same time! There is nooo way I could ever dream of being kind, compassionate, and open on this trip if I tried to do it alone. By the time I hit London, they would have changed the saying from "Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn" to "Hell hath no fury like a tired Morgan." So...I guess its a good thing I'm not doing this in my own strength! (I'm sure Janet and Jessica are super excited about that one) I know that I'm not relying on my measly human abilities that would really get me nowhere. Nope. I'll be leaning heavy on a BIG God so no worries! All I need to do is continue to lean on Him for everything along the way. I am so humbled that I get to be a part of this trip and I can't wait to see what He teaches me as I continue to rest in how HUGE He is!! For the past few days I've had that simple song I used to sing when I was little in Sunday School stuck in my head:
My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty! There's nothing my God cannot do. The mountains are His, the valleys are His, the stars are His handiwork too! I've really just begun to realize the weight that song actually carries. I mean He is sooo big and this is all His and yet He's allowing me to be a part of His big, perfect plan. So stinkin cool!! And its definitely made it easier to lean on His strength. Its sooo much greater than my own. So, even though I'll be stripped down to almost nothing, I'll have a BIG, STRONG, MIGHTY God who will be my everything!! Woo!!!

So close to take off time!! I'll update again when I land from my first flight. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. I'm about to be headed for the adventure of a lifetime!!

Confession: I still love those Black Eyed Peas. They may not have the deepest most moving lyrics that can speak a soul into existence or the greatest musicians who can rip out a ballin guitar solo, but they're soooo fun! I'm very proud to say that some of my favorite moments are for sure dance parties I've had with one of my best friends Emma Tinius listening to a lil "Rock That Body" :)


  1. Love that that song was in your head! Love that we serve an amazingly big God! Love that you get to go to Africa! Love YOU!

  2. I LOVE YOU. you are so amazing and I can't wait to hear all your stories!!!

  3. When I read (I'm sure Janet and Jessica are super excited about that one) I was like, "what? her name is Fergie.." Then realized you were talking about the people on the trip, not Janet Jackson. haha! I love you!
